Iron On Sew On Patch

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How to Patch a Hole, Mend a Seam, and Fix a Hem. To illustrate the mending of these cotton Lycra pants, we used red mercerized cotton thread you should use a color that matches the fabric. To begin, turn the pant leg inside out. Start and end your repair about 12 inch on either side of the rip. You dont have to knot your thread for this task to secure it in the fabric, use a short backstitch Piercing only the folded inner edge of the fabric, insert the needle in the hem, below the seam, and pull it out to make an 18 inch stitch. Reinsert the needle through the same stitch, and repeat once more to secure. Driver Packard Bell Hera Gl. Iron On Sew On Patch' title='Iron On Sew On Patch' />Iron On Sew On PatchSewing is the craft of fastening or attaching objects using stitches made with a needle and thread. Sewing is one of the oldest of the textile arts, arising in the. Eastern Lettering specializes in iron or sew on letters, iron or sew on numbers, Custom jerseys and jersey letters for Football, Baseball and Hockey.